On this page we answer the most frequently asked questions.
Please use the contact form if your question is not in the list.
Who is participating?
An active lifestyle is essential for being mentally and physically healthy. Therefore, our training is for everyone who struggles or struggled with mental health issues, regardless of their current fitness level. Our psychologist can help you overcome psychological barriers to participate. Please note that we do NOT offer group talking therapy. De Lopers van Lunetten is all about exercising together. A little less conversation a little more action!
Can I take a trial lesson?
Yes, de Lopers van Lunetten offers an opportunity to join our training free of cost, so that you can experience whether our training matches your expectations. After the trial training you decide whether you want to continue. In addition to the trial training you will have an intake meeting with your trainer, for which DLVL will invite you. In this meeting you set training and health goals that will keep you motivated.
I am short on cash, can I still participate?
You can use the U-pas if you live in Utrecht, De Bilt, Houten, IJsselstein and Stichtse Vecht and meet the conditions (https://www.u-pas.nl/).
When does the training take place?
We train on Mondays from 6:30-7:15 PM (Powerwalk), on Mondays from 5:30-6:30 PM (Running - Intermediate/ advanced) and on Thursdays from 5:30-6:15 PM (Running - Beginners). You will experience most progress when you train twice a week. Furthermore, training twice a week might lower risk of injury (compared to training once a week). We recommend you to also train once a week on an individual basis.
Where do we train?
We walk and run in the Beatrixpark in Lunetten and sometimes in neighbouring greenstrips and parks.
What kind of clothes should I wear?
You are completely free to choose your outfit, of course! However, for protection against heat and cold our advice is to wear multiple layers. Walking or running shoes are strongly recommended to prevent injuries. If applicable, a (sports)bra will give you the support you need during running.
Will the training be cancelled when it rains?
No way! We train during all seasons, which includes the more rainy and stormy autumn and winter. Make sure that you adjust your clothing to the season. The training will be cancelled when the temperature is 30 degrees Celcius or higher or in case of an extreme weather forecast published by the KNMI.
What happens when a training has been cancelled?
If a training needs to be cancelled we try our best to inform you as early as possible. During the month July, on public holidays and during the Christmas holiday, no trainings are scheduled. Does your membership include the month July, public holidays (on Mondays and Wednesdays) and/or the Christmas holidays or unplanned cancellations (see “Will the training be canceled when it rains?”)? You can catch up training after the end of your membership. For example, if your membership for 3 months starts on June 3rd, you can train with us in June, August and September.
What should I do if I am ill?
If you are ill (for example, by Corona or flu infection) please inform us by email in advance: info@delopersvanlunetten.nl If you have a cold, exercising is not prohibited, however, we do recommend staying at home when your symptoms are severe to prevent contamination of other de Lopers van Lunetten members. In this case, please inform us by email.
I am not proficient in Dutch, can I join de Lopers van Lunetten?
It is desirable that you understand Dutch at a basic level. If you are still learning Dutch or have been living in the Netherlands for only a short time, training with de Lopers van Lunetten is an option when you are proficient in English. Your communication with your trainer can be in English. Please notice that Dutch is used during the training to communicate with the group as a whole.
I have problems motivating myself to exercise, what should I do?
Join us! De Lopers van Lunetten can be an effective means to keep you motivated and achieve your fitness goals. During an intake you discuss with your trainer what drives you to become a more healthy version of you!
I am an experienced runner, can I join de Lopers van Lunetten?
If you are a true solo runner, Speedy Gonzales, or very much into ultra running, de Lopers van Lunetten may not be suitable for you. De Lopers van Lunetten can be a fit, however, if you desire to have a more active lifestyle, but have problems with coming into action or staying motivated. Our group spirit will help you to persevere during difficult times. Do you need an extra challenge? The Running - Intermediate/ advanced training is just the right fit for you.
De Lopers van Lunetten feels like too big a step, what can I do?
Your trainer will schedule an appointment with you after your registration, in which you can discuss concerns you may have. This is also a good opportunity to become familiar with the trainer and the Beatrixpark. Do you have any concerns or doubts you want to discuss now? Please contact us -without obligation- via the contact form or mail to info@delopersvanlunetten.nl
Please use the contact form if your question is not among the Frequently Asked Questions.