De Lopers Van Lunetten was founded with a specific goal in mind. Exercising should be made accessible and feasible, also for those who experience mental health issues.
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About the founder
Caroline Kwee has grown up with an active lifestyle. As a child she was often running around on a badminton court or football pitch. When she was five years old she was introduced to ballet and that was a hit; at eight years she started her professional dance education. After secondary school she did a bachelor at ArtEZ University of the Arts and performed as professional dancer with modern dance company Introdans for several years.
The second career of Caroline started at Utrecht University, where she obtained her Bachelor and Master degrees and PhD in Psychology. Currently Caroline is a psychologist at a mental health institution specialized in the treatment of anxiety and anxiety related disorders. She has extensive experience coaching patients with anxiety and mood disorders who participate in a running group.
Caroline: "When you are faced with mental health problems you are at risk of social isolation and an inactive lifestyle. Make substantive modifications to your lifestyle can be extremely difficult, even if the desire to change is there. Walking and running are perfect ways to get moving again. Just put on your shoes and you are ready to go! Of course, a stimulating environment and professional guidance are essential for enduring changes. This is where de Lopers van Lunetten comes into play."

Impression Beatrixpark and surroundings

3 x Did you know this?
Fotografie Elske Dwars
1. The beauty of walking and running lies in their simplicity. A good pair of shoes and you are ready to go. Starting to run is even possible when climbing two stairs makes you catch your breath. What is it that makes us humans such great runners ? Inside Tech made a nice video about the topic (03:49 min):
How Humans Evolved To Become The Best Runners On The Planet
2. For many participants running together is most fulfilling. This can be done while talking or in peace and quiet. With only bird songs to listen to (and the trainer who can't keep her mouth shut). Bottom line is: you are in the lead. Read more about the beneficial effects of periods of silence for your brain.
3. De Lopers van Lunetten motivates you to work towards your personal health goals. Our vision corroborates with the principles of Positive Health: being healthy is so much more than the merely defending against disease. Such as improving your fitness, self-esteem and joy in life. What matters most to you regarding your health?